Friday, December 31, 2010

what I'm thinking...

Planning for a "new genres" class I hope to teach.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Drawing America by Bike

Just what it sounds like. Eric is riding his bicycle all around the US, drawing, and blogging / facebooking about it. I especially like this image from his time in Knoxville. I think I know these people...or I want to.

You can track the man in "real" time with this handy google map. 

View Larger Map

Monday, December 27, 2010

Order and Access are Delicious

My husband introduced me to and it's been a valuable tool. Delicious is sort of like a link library where you store and catalog sites of interest. You can search for anything that interests you and see the sites bookmarked by other users.    Here's my list of bookmarks on the site: Katie Ries

Monday, December 20, 2010

Some body

I've taken home several odd grotesque vegetables with plans to draw them. Their body forms are so pleasing to me. As is the visceral moment when the root finally releases from the soil.

This drawing (and another which didn't turn out as well) mark the end of my procrastination. Or an interruption to it. As an added bonus, you can purchase the drawing here.

Tonight marks the rare overlap of the winter solstice and the lunar eclipse.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wear It

Although I'm not inked myself, I appreciate much about this piece. It comes by way of Esther Garcia of Butterfat Tattoo in Chicago. File this under: things to hold you over while it's icy.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Littlest Print Exchange

Exchange portfolios are one of my favorite practices of printmaking culture. A group of artists are given (or agree upon) a theme, dimensions, and an edition number. Each artist receives a complete set of all the prints. Often two or three of the portfolios will go into special collections, be sold by the organizer, or go on display.

In the case of the Littlest Print Exchange, organizer Christopher Clark gave participants the theme of "cliché" and the littlest print dimensions of 3" x 3". The resulting prints offer insight into the minds of the fifty-five artists who participated in the exchange as well as a nice survey of the diverse aesthetics of print media.

Click on the image here to visit the Littlest Print Exchange site and browse a gallery of the 2010 images.