Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Physical

It's been balmy and rainy for what feels like two weeks. Yesterday was very windy.

I've got three 5-gal buckets in my studio now. Two of them have ~2 gallons of liquid and walnut chunks. The third has a one and a half gallons of the boiled liquid with some gum arabic and denatured alcohol added. I'd hoped the alcohol would help limit the mold to form, but it's fertile stuff, that walnut juice. I plan to strain the batch thoroughly and seal it up well. Possibly in small bottles. Maybe can it in mason jars.

straining the ink from katie on Vimeo.


  1. Of course he won! And Happy New Year! And I like that mourning blanket doodad even if the strangers who critiqued it found it ill-conceived. But of course I would like it. Cause I like you. You got a beautiful photograph out of it.
